I love houseplants, I have many which I am sure you aren't surprised to know! There are so many reasons to have houseplants and here are my top picks for any new houseplant owner.
The NASA Clean Air study found that many houseplants can clean the air of toxins such as Formaldehyde, Benzene, Trichloroethylene, Xylene and Ammonia.
So the more plants the merrier, as long as you have the time and space to care for them. To clean the air you can have less plants if they have larger foliage as they can be more efficient at reducing toxins.
Studies into the wellbeing benefits of houseplant ownership showed that even just being in the presence of indoor plants can improve wellbeing, so not just softening aesthetics but also feeling a connection to the natural world. For those working in rooms with plants, they performed better on cognitive tasks and lower levels of physiological stress.
Arranging them depends on your home, the light and where you find them to be positioned to make you happy. You might also like to consider using the principles of
Vastu an ancient Indian science that combines the benefits of the five elements –Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space helping to create a balance between the five elements and humans. It is said that following Vastu guidance by positioning your plants in the home (much like Feng Shui for arranging your home furniture and accessories) you can bring harmony and prosperity to your life.
Pothos (Devil's Ivy)
Bushy vines
Easy to grow
Thrives on low light and neglect
Purifies the air of toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide.
Helps to eliminate odors and said to relieve tired screen eyes
Great for any room, especially in an home office.
Holds great symbolism -brings positive energy, prosperity, and growth.
Easy to care for (don’t over water)
Can improve sleep, promote relaxation, and enhance feelings of calmness and peace.
They can flower over and over again (with patience)
Perfect for most rooms, but since they flower so beautifully I would say anywhere you can see them often!
Sansevieria (Mother in laws tongue)
Easy to grow
Thrives in low light
Doesn’t need much water
Photosynthesizes even at night
Great to have in the bedroom as they continue to photosynthesise overnight
Crassula ovata (Money Plant)
Easy to grow
Needs little water
Might bring you good luck, growth, prosperity, wealth, and positive energy.
Releases a lot of oxygen
Easy to propagate
Keep in a living space with plenty of light
Hedera helix (English Ivy)
Grows in part shade
Long vines so great for shelves and mantlepieces
Purifies the air including mold
Can improve breathing issues
All time low care plant
A shelf or mantlepiece is perfect for the training vines
Aloe vera
Easy to care for with low water requirements
Gel inside the foliage is medicinal, and can be used on minor cuts, burns and sunburn along with many other skin conditions
Keep in the kitchen so you can reach for a leaf if you get burnt when cooking
Or in the bedroom as it will photosynthesise overnight
I provide talks about plants and gardening, including a more in depth session about houseplants for wellbeing. Please see my talk page for more info.